Business Hours

Mon - Fri: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.




3530 Parker Rd. Wylie, TX 75098

Privacy Policy

At 3S Stonework and Landscape, we believe it is important to respect the privacy of our constituents, our business contacts and others who provide us with personally identifiable information. Personally Identifiable Information is defined as information that can be used to identify an individual such as name, address, telephone number and any other information connected personally with an individual.

Our policy was created to affirm our commitment to maintaining the privacy of our constituents and to inform you of the practices we follow in protecting your personally identifiable information.

Why Do We Collect Information?

At 3S Stonework and Landscape, we have lots of opportunity to collect your personally identifiable information. Some of these might include when you:

  • Sign up to receive information about a particular business or service;
  • Receive consultation services;
  • Log onto our website;
  • Make a payments to 3S Stonework and Landscape; and
  • For a variety of other reasons not listed here.
  • If you give us your personally identifiable information for any reason, we consider your information to be strictly confidential.
  • Do We Obtain Your Consent to Collect Your Information?
  • When we collect, use or disclose your personally identifiable information we will obtain your consent to do so unless such permission is obvious or implied, for example, when you make an request through our online forms.

If you would like to withdraw your consent for any reason, please email us at with a subject title in the subject line of “Withdraw Consent”.

How Do We Use Your Information?

We use your personally identifiable Information to provide you with the services or products for which you provided us with your information, and/or for those purposes considered reasonable under the circumstances. We are not in the business of selling your information to third parties and only share information with our related entity(s) with vendors to whom we obtain services, or when it is necessary to comply with the law or to protect the rights, property or safety of 3S Stonework and Landscape.

How Long Do We Retain Your Information?

We retain your personally identifiable information for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which you gave it or for any legal or business purpose. When your information is no longer required by 3S Stonework and Landscape for any reason, we have procedures in place to destroy it, delete it, or convert it to anonymous form.

How Is Your Information Kept Accurate?

3S Stonework and Landscape endeavors to keep your personally identifiable information as accurate as possible so that it can continue to provide you with the products and services you’ve requested. For this, we will need your assistance in maintaining the accuracy of your information. You may request a correction to your personally identifiable information by emailing

How Do We Protect Your Information?

3S Stonework and Landscape is committed to protecting your personally identifiable information from unauthorized access or disclosure. In this, we do our best to maintain appropriate security both in our technology and our physical records. We also limit access to your information to persons management determines need to know for the purpose of providing you with the requested products and services.

Internet Privacy Policy

Your privacy on the Internet is extremely important to us. Because you give us personal information, we believe you should fully understand the terms and conditions surrounding what we do with that information. This privacy statement discloses the information we gather, how we use it, and how you can correct or change it.

Here’s What We Do With Your Internet Provider (IP) Address

We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Web site. Your IP address is used to help identify you and your shopping cart and to gather broad demographic information.

This Is Who Gets Your Information

Information about 3S Stonework and Landscape visitors is an important part of our business, but we are not in the business of selling it to others. We share customer information only with the subsidiaries and partners.

This Is Why You Register With 3S Stonework and Landscape

Our registration form asks you to give us information about yourself which will allow us to help you in the following ways.

  • Process your orders accurately and quickly
  • Reduce the amount of information you need to provide each time your purchase resources
  • Protect your privacy
  • Allow us to contact you with your requested information
  • Personalize your experience on our site
  • How to Remove Your Name From Our Newsletter/Mailing List

3S Stonework and Landscape gives users the following options for removing their e-mail address from our database so you will not receive future communications: Send an email message to: and in the subject line, write, “Unsubscribe Me”. You can also send a letter to the following postal address to be removed:

3S Stonework and Landscape
3530 Parker Rd.
Wylie, TX 75098

Call the following telephone number: (214) 403-7321.

If You Want To Change Your Information

We want you to enjoy all of the features of by keeping your account information current. gives users the following options for changing and modifying information previously provided: Send an email message to: to update your information. You can also send a letter to the following postal address to be removed:

3S Stonework and Landscape
3530 Parker Rd.
Wylie, TX 75098

Call the following telephone number: (214) 403-7321.

All Other Questions

If you have additional questions about this privacy statement, the practices of, or your dealings with this web site, please email us at or write us at:

3S Stonework and Landscape
3530 Parker Rd.
Wylie, TX 75098